Archive for April, 2009

Grapes goes grape

Well, okay, not quite grape, but still, some kind of black and purple plaid or tartan or something…anyway, tonight’s number from Don Cherry definitely screams for attention. And here I am, giving it to him. No shame.

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 30 April 2009

Hard to believe these were once intended to be drapes

We learned on the Rick Mercer show that Don’s suits come from the drapes section of the fabric store. I have to wonder, however, if yesterday’s number was ever really seriously intended to be used for drapes. By anybody. Just…no.

I don’t know if this qualifies for worst ever, but it’s certainly up there. I don’t even know how to start describing this. Flowers throwing up on a pink-stained latte jacket? What does that even mean? Anyway, I’ll shut up now—check it out.

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 22 April 2009

Yet more Don Cherry

What with the playoffs, Grapes is on TV every couple of days, and we’re bound to have fairly unremarkable outfits—unremarkable, anyway, by Don’s standards. But we’ll be bringing you all the jackets he shows up wearing (unless we’ve seen them before) due to our goals of being complete, comprehensive, and, uh, comedic?

At any rate, I think Don’s combination of striped shirt, pale tie, and velvet (?) jacket—single-breasted, unusually for him—is pretty silly nevertheless.

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 20 April 2009

Don Cherry salutes the Allan Cup

One other thing from yesterday’s Coach’s Corner, deserving of its own special post. Don Cherry took some time at the end of the segment to salute the Bentley Generals from Bentley, Alberta, winners of the 2009 Allan Cup, held in Steinbach, Manitoba. The Allan Cup has been, since 1909, the trophy awarded to the best senior amateur hockey team in Canada (since the Stanley Cup, originally intended for that purpose, was transformed into a professional trophy). These players don’t compete for money or contracts or media approval, but only for themselves and for their fans. Don brought out a special tie (don’t ask me why he didn’t wear it!) to mark the occasion:

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 18 April 2009 - Allan Cup

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 18 April 2009 - Allan Cup tie

Cartoon characters for the kids

Since Hockey Night in Canada aired later than usual tonight due to the late start time of the game in which Boston whipped Montréal 5-1, Don Cherry favoured the children in his audience (I wonder what their numbers really are) with a tie featuring cartoon characters. This is not Don’s first foray into cartoon land: we had one not too long ago featuring a Canadiens-supporting Tasmanian Devil, a Christmas one featuring the Grinch, one for the Grey Cup with football-playing Disney characters (and another Mickey Mouse tie), and even one with Tweety and Sylvester. Phew. (He says he wears them for the kids, anyway. But there’s no shame, Don, for an adult to admit he still likes cartoons. It’s okay. Really.)

So add to that tonight’s number, featuring the Tasmanian Devil, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Yosemite Sam apparently rappelling down a cliff or something:

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 18 April 2009

Don Cherry's tie - Tasmanian Devil (HNIC 18 Apr 2009)

Don Cherry's tie - Bugs Bunny (HNIC 18 Apr 2009)

Don Cherry's tie - Daffy Duck and Yosemite Sam (HNIC 18 Apr 2009)

Don Cherry greets the playoffs

…with a number that might be characterized as “snappy” (at least by Grapes’s standards) if there weren’t a bizarre J-shaped fold or billow or something right across the chest. Also, is it just me, or is there a weird colour mismatch between the tie, the lapel flower, and the breast pocket handkerchief?

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 16 April 2009

The flower jacket redux

I know we’ve seen this one before, but this is the third straight week of repeats…and I just felt I had to post it anyway because of the terrific poses Don assumed during the segment, of which the following was my favourite:

Don Cherry on Coach's Corner, 11 April 2009

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April 2009